Cassola de Tros (casserole) Festival

A competition of casseroles made of vegetables, snails and pork. It takes place on the holiday of Segona Pasqua

Festival Kalikenyo Rock

Will you miss the biggest PUNK festival in the entire country?


Medieval Market


Weekly street market

Every Thursday morning at Plaça de Catalunya

Cultural Spring

from March to June

The Eve of Sant Joan

June 23th

Sardana (Catalan dance) Festival in Juneda

first Sunday in July

Summer Balls

on Sundays in July and August

Open-air Nights

a prelude to the Local Festival (late August)

Festa Major (Local Festival)

the last weekend in  August

Joan Duch Poetry Award


Music Festival

on the Day of  Saint Cecily in November

Trobada d’Armats (gathering)


Trobada de gegants i capgrossos (Meeting of giants)
