Juncosa has 401 inhabitants (2022). In this village there are many preserved remains of the medieval buildings  and a  14th-century gate. At the top of the village, there is  the church of Nativity with a neoclassical facade, a tower and three Baroque inner naves. The altarpiece is a copy of the original one, and the paintings of the evangelists on the dome date back to its restoration in 1992.

One of the arcades in the oldest part of the village has  a hole in it.  According to a legend, when God drew the world with his pair of compasses, he put the pointed end of the instrument there. In a central square Plaça del Mig del Món, you can see a stone monument built in 1997 depicting this legend.

In Juncosa, the municipal water tank, which dates back to 1897, is still preserved and used.

Its major holidays are on May 15 and September 8, and during the month of July the Cultural Week is celebrated. Its’ 39th anniversary will take place in 2023.