The economy of El Soleràs combines crop and livestock farming: primarily olive and almond trees, with free-range fowl and cattle and swine. There  are 330 inhabitants in the village (2022).

Amongst the architectural elements that catch the eye is a  parish church dedicated to the Virgin of the Assumption. It is a neoclassical building with a basilica plan, with three naves, completed in 1804 and with around thirty images inside. Another one is the Cooperativa del Camp i Molí d’oli built in  1920, a modernist building by Cèsar Martinell especially  crowded during the olive season, from November to January.

On a hill with the views over the village and Lleida there is also a recreation area. It is a home to three sanctuaries: the Hermitage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1954), the Hermitage of Our Lady of Montserrat (1993) and a reproduction of the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes (1998). These sanctuaries were built thanks to the initiative of the local priest and the participation of the residents of the town.

 August the 4th is the day of Sant Domènec co-patron of the town, and August 15th is the Festa Major.